

Digital Media Creation : Animation


peer mediation

Client: The Peace Foundation
Purpose: The animation is a scenario featuring a group of animal friends who have a disagreement and learn about how to use the tools of peer mediation to solve their dispute. The animation is for a primary school audience.

Director: Michael Lintott
Senior Animator: Kelly Robertson
Script consultant: Michael Lintott
Animation: Kelly Robertson, Michael Lintott


Te Rangitopeora

Client: Ngā Māriekura o Ngāti Toa
Purpose: Te Rangitopeora is one of two animations produced with Ngāti Toa. Te Rangitopeora depicts the life of Te Rangitopeora (Ngāti Toa) an important wahine, famed for her leadership ability, waiata composition skills and peacemaking.

Director: Jamie Berry
Illustrator: Jamie Berry, Kelly Robertson
Script consultant: Patariki Grace
Animation: Jamie Berry, Ash Patel, Michael Lintott, Kelly Robertson, Kimberley Kan


Client: Ministry of Education
Purpose: The animation is a conversation between a teacher and a Learning Support Coordinator, which is intended to highlight the key elements of the LSC role when working in schools and kura.

Director: Michael Lintott
Illustrator: Kelly Robertson
Script consultant: Michael Lintott
Animation: Ash Patel, Michael Lintott

healthy eating toolkit

Client: Ministry of Health
Purpose: One of the four animations produced for the toolkits that we developed for schools, kura, kōhanga reo and Early Learning Services across Aotearoa to support them to create a healthy food and drink environment.

Director: Michael Lintott
Illustrator: Kelly Robertson
Animators: Michael Lintott, Jamie Berry
Scriptwriter: Patariki Grace



Client: Ngā Māriekura o Ngāti Toa
Purpose: Waitohi is one of two animations produced with Ngāti Toa. Waitohi depicts the life of Waitohi (Ngāti Toa) and the legacy she left behind as a peacemaker and allocation of land.

Director: Jamie Berry
Illustrator: Jamie Berry, Kelly Robertson
Script consultant: Patariki Grace
Animation: Jamie Berry, Ash Patel, Michael Lintott, Kelly Robertson, Kimberley Kan


Client: Ministry of Education
Purpose: An introduction to social and emotional learning in an educational setting, the video is designed to show how the 5 stages are connected, the constant interplay between them, and the connection with the classroom context.

Director: Kelly Robertson
Senior Animator: Kelly Robertson
Animators: Michelle Kan, Ash Patel
Script: Bridget Fogarty


tangata whenua

Client: Ministry of Education
Purpose: A combination of video footage and animation was used to create this story for 5 to 7 year olds, providing some key ideas about the arrival of tangata whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Director: Michael Lintott
Senior Animator/designer: Kelly Robertson
Camera operators: Michael Lintott, Clint Stephenson
Animators: Ash Patel, Kimberley Kan